Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thursday Interviews and No School Friday

Good morning (JC has suggested this as a greeting).

The students are dictating my blog today.

Carman: We drew things like art on paper and sprayed with water. This was an experiment.

Ethan: In gym we practiced dancing skills.

Cassidee: We read a non-fiction book about colours.

Peter: We were reading books.

Ms. Cokar:
- Student involved conferences Thursday and Friday.
- No school on Friday
- Book Fair Thursday and Friday during conferences
- Scholastic book orders due Friday by noon
- Students are coming without recess snack and are getting hungry before lunch
- Students should show Care for Self and dress warmly for the chilly weather

Stay warm!

Ms. Cokar

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Wednesday Book Fair

Good afternoon!

Wednesday is usually library book exchange day however tomorrow students will not be signing out new books (please return though!). Instead, we will have an opportunity to browse the annual Book Fair. You can send money with instructions, for example, if you send $5 are they allowed to spend it all on whatever they would like? If you prefer to shop with your son or daughter, the Book Fair is open Thursday night during Student Involved conferences 3:30 - 7:30 and Friday 8:00 - 12:00.

Today we tried to match magazine pictures with paint chip colours. The colours were primary and secondary. Here are some examples:

At the end of the day we had Maker Time. This is a time given to the students to tinker and create!

Have a great evening!

Ms. Cokar

Monday, November 28, 2016

Good afternoon!

A few reminders for this week:

* Student led conferences are this Thursday and Friday
* No school on Friday
* Book Fair this week. Please feel free to stop in after school this week
* Scholastic book orders due by Friday so feel free to pass them on during conferences
* Fun lunch order is due tomorrow (Tuesday) for December 8

Today we had a guest reader who sat in Ms. Cokar's rocking chair and read a book called David Goes to School! It was Karter, who is in our class:

Fransen also read Brown Bear, Brown Bear and did a fabulous job:

See you tomorrow!

Ms. Cokar

Thursday, November 24, 2016

No School Tomorrow

Wow, that was a whirlwind week!

We continue to explore colours. The students know that scientists make predictions before they do experiments. They figured out that predictions means a guess. Today we predicted if paint would adhere (which means to stick) better to some materials. The materials were tin foil, wax paper, stir sticks, saran wrap, laminate paper, yarn, and straws. Do you think paint would adhere to all these materials?

We also tried to mix colours to match paint chip samples.  Students started with one colour and added additional colours. The last picture a student wanted to see what would happen if secondary colours were combined. Here are some examples.

Some reminders:
- No school tomorrow, November 25
- Scholastic book orders will be due by end of next week
- Student involved conferences are next Thursday and Friday
- Dress for the weather!
- Book fair next week!

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Cokar


Monday, November 21, 2016

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday for many reasons, one of them being the beautiful weather we are experiencing in November!

Today in your son or daughter's backpack are:
1. Scholastic book order forms (three of them).
2. Kidney Foundation donation request information
3. Fun lunch envelope.

This morning, with the help of two lovely parent volunteers - Ms. Connie and Ms. Jen - the students had the opportunity to create a card using their handprint or fingerprint in paint. When the paint dried, they decorated to pull it all together. Tomorrow we will do a bit of writing. This card will be sent to seniors, who are very important people in our community and city. Did you know that seniors are over the age of 65? Ms. Cokar has at least 40 more years to get a discount on a bus pass :-)

In the afternoon we put on our scientist thinking caps and made predictions before I started an experiment. I asked, "What do you think we can do with water, clear containers, food colouring, and paper?" Max predicted I would pour in water, drop some food colouring and add paper. He was right! To make sure our experiment was performed as real scientists, we made sure we had the same amount of water and same amount of food colouring drops. The students noticed that yellow mixed into the water right away but blue and red took some time. Tamika pointed out that the yellow I used was a different brand. Awesome observation skills! We are excited to see what happens with our experiment tomorrow. Here are a few pictures:

Here are some pictures from Friday when we added food colouring to paper then sprayed the paper with water. We had some lovely colours appear on the paper, paper towels, and desks!

Room 5 had to take a few breaks today to settle. It is really important that all students be aware when they are being silly and not cooperating, it takes away from others learning. I could tell some students were getting frustrated by the distractions and were working hard on ignoring. We will review classroom rules again as it seems some important ones have been forgotten. I appreciate your support.

Ms. Cokar

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Snowy Science Tuesday

Good afternoon!

Today in gym we practiced shooting our basketball into a hula hoop which was hanging on the basketball net. While we waited in line, we practiced our dribbling skills.

We think we are scientists who experiment and make predictions. Today in science we predicted what would happen when we add white or black paint to the three primary colours. After we made predictions we actually experimented with the paints. Here are a few pictures of our predictions and our actual paintings.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Colours of Monday!

Good afternoon!

This morning we worked really hard in our math journals. We tried our best to write the numbers 1 - 10 and to draw circles or dots to represent the numbers. A couple of our students told me, "Oh no! I made a mistake!" and I said, "It's okay to make mistakes because it helps us to learn." Here are some pictures of the work we did today.

We also continue to learn about colours. Today we talked about ligher than and darker than, as well as the word brighter. In these pictures you can see we tried to put colours in order. Do you think we did a good job? I tried to make a video...hope it works!

Have a great day!

Ms. Cokar